What next? How can you get the most from your home physiotherapy? Here are a few tips.
The Environment
Choose the best place in your house to conduct your physical therapy sessions. The room should be well lit and clear of hazards or clutter. Make sure you have enough room to accommodate your therapist’s portable treatment table, as well as any small exercise equipment.
Be Prepared
Dress appropriately for the area you are assessing. Shorts with a tank top or tee-shirt are usually enough. It may be a good idea to keep your extra-friendly dog in another room.
Your Medical History
Be accurate and concise when describing your problem to your therapist. Some patients find that it is helpful to write down a list of points before the session. You may want to bring any relevant documents with you (test results or summary of specialist appointments, etc.). Have these ready to present to your physiotherapist. You should write down or have on hand your current medication.
Your Goals
Take a few moments to consider what you want to achieve during your home physiotherapy sessions. It is great to reduce pain and improve movement, but what are your goals? You may want to return to your favorite hobby, like golf. You have a DIY project to complete, such as painting the walls of your bedroom. You may not be able to sleep through the night, and would like more energy during the day. You may want to be able go up and down the stairs in your home.
Be prepared to explain your limitations to your physiotherapist.
Do your Homework
Physio SP will prescribe a home-exercise program to most patients. Your ability to achieve your rehab goals depends on how well you follow your home exercise program. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you have any doubts about the exercises you are being shown. Your therapist will be grateful for your dedication to the rehabilitation process.